So… What Now?

Trump’s in office yet again, Alien information is about to be released, war and genocide continue to scorch parts of the Earth, the darkness behind the biggest names in Hollywood being exposed, and everyone’s shadows are grabbing them by the throat…

What now?

Honestly, I am so annoyed the fact that so many people are emotionally deterred by this man’s appointment to office. Everyone’s emotions are valid. Absolutely. And alsooo… whether for him or against him… to me it was clear to see that this American government doesn’t actually matter.

To me, it was laughable. Not for comedy’s sake… rather, for sheer lack of care! The American government basically shitted on all the laws created underneath the United States of America. Doesn’t that say A LOT? To me, I’m more aggravated that despite all of this, people will still want to participate in a fraudulent government. People still will want to figure things out by doing the same things that don’t work.

We are in radical times. The same thing WON’T work. Whether you leave the country or not, this isn’t just about America, it’s about the world. The entire world. And even beyond.

If you haven’t smelled it yet, we are on the brink of a massive change. This is actually the same energy that birthed America. It took radicals to break away from the Eurocentric norm and change the game. So, similarly, it’s going to take radicals to break free from this game.

Astrologically, Pluto in Aquarius is inviting us to witness and bring light to the shadows of the era prior, Pluto in Capricorn. The systems in place do not actually serve people… because if they did, would there be mindless killing going on? Would there be threats of food shortage? Would there even be outrageous inflation? It’s inviting us to question what we see and if it’s actually true… to discern what our source is and why.

I don’t know much, and my perspective is only one of billions. What I do know is that the law I live by is not the law created by man. It’s the Universe’s/God’s law. And according to that, my version of “What Now” looks like elevating my spiritual practice, increasing my faith and focus on what matters, staying close to the truth and not illusions, taking action on everything I came here to do, and making sure I do my part in ushering in lasting change that benefits myself, my community, and my small corner of the world. It looks like exploring what it means to be a holistic human being and to protect and serve collective humanity.

It looks like knowing my role and part that I play in my society. I wasn’t made to be everywhere all at once, to be liked, or to be quiet. It looks like excavating my heart and the ways in which my personal, familial, generational, and societal pain and trauma has created patterns and ways of being that kept me dangerously far from the truth. It looks like loving others deeply, freely, and without shame, judgement, or persecution throughout this process. It looks like letting go of the past, because where I am going looks nothing like it.

Revolution can’t be without EVOLUTION. So, I think we’re being asked to evolve right now. I’m curious to witness the ways in which we as a people choose to do so.


And Just Like That…


A Short Story: Treasure in the Well